High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Yeast Infection (Male & Female)

Diabetes (At your door step)

Bruxism (The road to been toothless)

Anorexia/Manorexia (Male & Female)

Obesity/Weight loss (Closer than you think)

Ovarian Cysts (not heard of it, you're probably suffering from it as a woman)

Is Health Information Really Important?

While the whole world is been distracted by seemingly "big" problems like global warming, terrorism, global finance, recession, the real big problems have been left unattended to thereby constituting a disaster waiting to happen. My heart goes out to the earthquake victims of Haiti, a situation that was out of focus until the disaster finally hit. The question here is how much more can we wait before putting things right.

The rate at which people all over the world from all kinds of illnesses is shocking. The availability of free health care (in welfare/socialist countries) and comprehensive health insurance in others makes it even more astonishing. People are dying by the minute from sicknesses and diseases that are curable. Others develop health issues/conditions that could have been prevented. Even the unborn child is not safe in the protection of its mother's womb because of a lack of proper care on the side of the mother (and father also, how amazing).

Thorough research has shown that above all other factors that contribute to the health care dilemma proper education is the most important and a lack of it often referred to as ignorance is by far the most devastating. Some scientist even refer to ignorance as a disease in itself.

Getting the right information as at when needed is vital to everything in a human being's life and that does not leave health out of the equation. It is simple one can be the brainiest person on earth but if that person is suffering from ill-health the ability to work is taken away.  A lot of people just don't care about the health issues and when they hear of cases affecting other people their reaction is that of sympathy not that of a reality check, believing that they are strong and show no symptoms of any of the diseases without realizing that things don't just happen at once but over a period of time.

Arming oneself with the right information is the key to a long and healthy life (in fact it is recommended not to disregard any information that comes one's way pertaining to health and diseases).

Bringing HEALTH to the forefront of issues (world issues at that) is the sole aim of the site, getting it before people and helping it take its right place in discussions and concerns.

Health issues are appearing day in, day out and they need to be brought to the fore because like it has been said before ill-health kills silently. So don't be cut out.


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Causes and Symptoms

Causes and Symptoms of the following health issues that people often forget about are discussed under the following headlines. Click to be taken to dedicated pages of these diseases and conditions 

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Yeast Infection (Male & Female)

Diabetes (At your door step)

Bruxism (The road to been toothless)

Anorexia/Manorexia (Male & Female)

Obesity/Weight loss (Closer than you think)

Ovarian Cysts (not heard of it, you're probably suffering from it as a woman)

While the goal of this site is to create health awareness, other aspects of our lives should be totally neglected meaning that information such as:

Free Breaking news providing news breaks from around the world to your door step. 

Floating candles designs (how to beautify your special events) is also provided. Click Here

Trip-Advisor provides information about discount travel/holiday and how to haggle a bargain out of every travel agent and tour operator.

